(Sunday 20 June)
From our Correspondent (No Name of Newspaper given)
Inaugoration of St Thomas Aquinas School
His Excellency the Governor, H.R.H. Princess Alice, Lady May Cambridge and suite paid a visit to Witbank on Sunday to open the Convent of the Sacred Heart and to present the present colours to the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. The party was met at the station by the Mayor and Mayoress, Mr. And Mrs. T. Spencer, the resident magistrate, Mr. E. Stower and Mrs. Stower, and a guard of honour of returned soldiers in uniform and mufti.
The presenting of the colours took place at the war memorial where a large number people assembled to participate in the service. After the ‘rOld Hundredth” and the blessing of the flags, the presentations were made by Her Royal Highness to the Girl Guides and to the Boy Scouts by His Excellency.
The Scouts and Guides
In short but telling address to the Scouts and Guides the Governor said the colours were the outward and visible sign of their achievements, and embodied the spirit of the movement. But although they would move on, the colours would remain and stand as a witness to their present actions. This was a great responsibility with which they were entrusted. “Be careful never to do anything that might disgrace them, and see to it that the fine record already, gained by the Scouts and Guides is worthily maintained,” he concluded.
The Mayor then thanked His Excellency and Her Royal Highness for graciously accepting their invitation to Witbank, after which the party attended divine service at the Church of England. At the Convent they were received by the Mother Superior, on whose behalf Mr. J. McKenna welcomed His Excellency and Her Royal Highness and thanked them for the great interest they took in the good work for which the Convent stood, and for graciously coming to perform the opening ceremony.