Regulations Pertaining To Cellphones
Since cell phones are no longer used for phone calls only and since ST. THOMAS AQUINAS SCHOOL is not prepared to tolerate the misuse of the phone by some pupils at the expense of the moral values we uphold, the following policy has been implemented with immediate effect:
- If pupils bring their cellphones to school, they must be switched off during school hours, i.e. from the moment the pupils enter the school grounds until the school closes or when the pupils leave the school grounds again. The phones may not be activated on the sports field during sport sessions.
- If a pupil is caught breaking this rule, teachers and/or prefects have the right and the duty to confiscate the cellphone and to take it to the office with the SIM-card still in the phone.
- The confiscated cellphone can be collected only after three weeks or after an amount of R300 has been paid.
- Under no circumstances will the confiscated cell phone be exchanged for another cellphone.
The school will not take any responsibility for a lost or stolen cellphone.