St Thomas Aquinas School

St Gabriels


Aftercare Times

Policies and

Important Reminders

Aftercare Policies

Aftercare Times


  1. St Gabriel’s: 12h30 – 17h30
  2. Foundation Phase: 13h15 – 17h30

There is Aftercare on ‘Break-up Day’ at the end of term.



Pre-school children need an additional set of clothes and a plastic packet for dirty clothes.

A warm jersey is advisable for children who stay later when the weather can become cool.

Aftercare Homework Policy


  • Homework will be supervised between 14h00 and 14h30.
  • Only children who conscientiously commit themselves to doing their homework will be allowed into the homework room.
  • Only Spelling and Maths homework will be supervised.
  • Reading must be done at home.
  • Checking homework and signing the homework book is the responsibility of the parent. Communication between the teacher and the parent is essential and this is often through the homework book.



Children must be signed out every day!!

Aftercare staff need to be notified of a change of routine in fetching arrangements i.e. if a different person is collecting your child he will NOT be allowed to go home with a person who is unknown to the aftercare staff unless they have been notified. Notification must be in writing and must include ID particulars of the person.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION FORM. The first page should be completed and returned to Jostine Mokoena at Reception.