Foundation Phase academics (Gr 1 – 3)
HOD: Mrs Kerry van der Merwe
The foundation phase is where the skills of reading, writing and numeracy are truly taught and developed. Our aim is to develop the skills, concepts, attitudes and values that out learners will need for future independent learning. In this phase children learn to read and write, while in the next phase children read and write to learn.
We believe in a broad curriculum that develops the child holistically.
Our weekly curriculum includes:
- Literacy (we utilise the THRASS programme)
- Numeracy (we follow the Singapore Maths curriculum)
- Life Skills
- Afrikaans
- Religious Education
- Music
- Art
- Media User Guidance (Grade 2 and 3)
- Physical Education (swimming and gross motor skills)
- Computer Literacy
- Chess
- Audiblox (Grade 1 and 2)
- Kinderkinetics
Assessment reports are compiled three times a year and we encourage regular meetings with parents to ensure that each child is being encouraged to reach their full potential.
We follow an integrated day approach whereby every child in our phase is taught the skills required for the games of netball, hockey, soccer and cricket.
We regularly organise day trips to expose our learners to the “alternative” classroom. Examples of these are:
- Pretoria Zoo
- People’s Theatre in Johannesburg
- Willem Prinsloo Museum
- Sammy Marks Museum
- Witbank Nature Reserve
Our teachers are regularly involved in workshops that keep us in touch with new trends in education and develop us as teachers and individuals. This ensures that the product we offer is of the best.
Senior Phase academics (Gr 8 – 9)
HOD: Mrs Zané Neizel
Subjects offered in Grade 8 and 9:
- Afrikaans First Additional Language
- Creative Art
- Computer Literacy
- Economic Management Science
- English Home Language
- Food Technology
- Life Orientation
- Mathematics
- Natural Sciences
- Physical Education
- Social Science
- Technology
Computers Grade 8 – 9
Each Gr 9 learner completes a portfolio for each learning area (subject). A learner’s portfolio is a compulsory collection of pieces of work which shows the learner, parents and teachers the progress and achievements of the learners during the year. The pieces of evidence in the portfolio will reflect that a variety of skills have been assessed using a variety of forms of assessment. Portfolios are sent away to be examined by outside moderators for fairness. After moderation, all the marks for all the portfolios are sent to the Department of Education.
Gold bars are awarded to and worn by learners who have achieved an average of 75% or higher in the 9 main learning areas in the previous term at St Thomas Aquinas School.
- Afrikaans First Additional Language – 40%
- English Home Language – 40%
- Mathematics – 40%
- Four other subjects – 40%
- Remaining three subjects – 30%
CTA (Common Task for Assessment): One CTA is completed per learning area. Part A is completed during term time. Part B is completed as an exam.
International Benchmark Testing (in English and Mathematics) is also done to ensure that learners obtain a qualification that remains globally competitive.
Core Skills Testing: These non-curriculum-based assessment tests help educators to identify weaknesses in the application of knowledge and skills.
Science Expo: All Grade 9 learners are required to take part in the EXPO, which is a scientific research task. Expo co-ordinator: Mrs Soal.
Senior Phase academics (Gr 10 – 12)
HOD: Mrs Anthea Lindley
Subjects offered in Grade 10 – 12:
Compulsory subjects:
- Afrikaans First Additional Language
- English Home Language
- Life Orientation
Choose 1:
- Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy
Learners have a choice of combinations from the following:
- Accounting
- Business Studies
- Computer Applications Technology (CAT)
- Consumer Studies
- Geography
- Life Sciences
- Physical Science
- Visual Arts
Subject choice and career guidance
Subject choice testing is carried out by qualified psychologists and psychometrists to assist learners to make subject choices. Detailed feedback from the testing procedure is provided and the cost of testing is included in the levy. Every opportunity is taken to expos learners to career guidance seminars and displays. Personal guidance is given to learners both individually and in groups.